Jono Stone

Jono Stone is a local artist, born in Waiharakeke (Blenheim) and moving to call Ōtautahi home in 2023 after stints living in various cities across Aotearoa, Australia and Canada.

Studying and pursuing a career in Graphic design, Jono’s explored the world of digital arts, however, in recent years followed a natural gravitation back to his roots in traditional mediums.
As a Yogi and Taoist, his art is heavily influenced by: nature, connection, the exploration of consciousness and spirituality. With these values considered, it’s no surprises Jono was drawn to toi Māori and the Tūhono Taonga, Tūhono Tāngata kaupapa. Under co-founder; Jon Jeet’s guidance, he’s learnt to carve and now teaches wānangas alongside
Jon and other kaiako. Jono believes carving taonga is a therapeutic and spiritual practice for all involved which fuels his desire to dive deeper and share it with the world.

*Note: All taonga Jono carves is authentic Aotearoa greenstone correctly sourced through his kaiako/mentor; Jon Jeet. For every taonga made an additional piece is carved and gifted to Tūhono Taonga, Tūhono Tāngata; helping connect the community through Mātauranga Māori.
