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russ harris

I was an Army brat until my father left the Army to be a teacher at Horowhenua College in Levin thus my teen years were spent in Levin in The North Island.

I whakapapa back five generations to poor immigrants who came to this country seeking a better life than they had in the UK. In the broad scheme, Scots/Irish ancestry on both sides of my family.

I left Aotearoa when I was nineteen to travel with the hippies initially to anywhere but I ended up in MidWales in the UK. I lived there for nigh on forty years, a place that has a lot of similarities to Aotearoa, both were colonised, both attempts were made to destroy the culture by destroying the language.

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I ended my working life teaching Art, Design and Technology in a highschool in Mid Wales. I did this for twenty two years. In my young life I worked at any job but I also set about learning and developing the skills for self sufficiency and sustainable living. These skills I brought to my design lessons in school.

I was always from New Zealand/ Aotearoa and I returned here 7 years ago when I had finished teaching. Now was my time, time to explore my own particular creative abilities.

I gain a lot of my inspiration from the people around me and from the environment here in the harbour. I paint, draw, write, make music and print. I do not know where this part of the journey will take me but more than anything, I like the journey.


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